Friday 4 May 2012

Evaluation - Question 4 + 5.

Who would be the audience for your media product?/How did you attract/address your audience?

Looking at the two main audience theories, I think, as our film is a comedy, the Hypodermic needle theory would be more suitable in our case. The Hypodermic Theory is about how the audience are passive receptors of media which means they take in information without thinking twice about it. This means that, if this happened to our target audience, then our film is easy and simple to understand. Even though the Hypodermic needle theory suits comedy films, its normally used with mainstream films.

Another audience theory is The Gratifications theory. This is when the audience are actively watching the film, meaning that they are able to connect with the characters as they might have been stereotyped before.


"Actors spoke clearly and loudly, Different pieces of music made it seem happy, funny costumes"

" Actors stumbled on lines"

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