Thursday, 5 April 2012

Differences between trailers and an opening.

Trailers and openings of a film are similar in a way that they introduce the film to an audience and allow them to gain some sort of knowledge in order to understand the film. However, an opening and a trailer are very different in other respects.

Trailers are a form of advertising that almost all films use this advertisement technique. It is a very effective way of advertising a new release as it gives the public/audience and idea of what the film is about. Trailers consists of different clips taken from the composed film. These different clips do not give too much away otherwise people will not go to the cinema and watch the actual film. Trailers are released firstly in cinemas before a film is about to start. When the release date becomes more closer, the trailers are released as television advertisements and released online. By being able to access the trailers online it allows people to spread the word of the film via social networking sites such as Facebook. In trailers, the title of the film is introduced at the end and has the most important credits after the title. It will also have the certification and release information of the film.

Film openings consist of introducing the main characters within the actual film. The protagonist is usually shown first and will have the most screen time. The opening will consist of the production companies title coming up first and normamly the title of the film is introduced thirdly. These are called the opening credits. The opening credits allow the audience to know who's in the film and who directed it. After the opening credits, the opening will introduce the main characters of the film.

In conclusion, the main difference between trailers and film openings is that the credits of an opening are shown at the beginning and most importantly the film name is shown with them. On the other, credits are shown at the end in a trailer. Another key difference between the two are that a trailer is a form of advertisemnet and a opening is the introducing part in the actual film.

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